Hi, I'm Gideon!

Data Science Consultant

I enjoy helping clients solve business problems with the use of data and technology. Client focused and eager to learn. Looking for new opportunities.


4 years

Data Consulting Experience

10+ projects

in Data Science and Tool Development

MSc & BSc

in Aerospace Engineering


and Asynchronous Worker

My Expertise

Data Analysis

Analysing large data sets from various sources and visualising valuable insights in dashboards.

Data Science

Building Machine Learning models to predict and support future business decisions.

Software Development

Developing web-based tools on a Proof of Concept level.

Product Owner

Leading the development of a data-driven product and connecting business stakeholders with data and IT teams.

Data Strategy

Assessing a company’s current data maturity and creating a roadmap on how to become more data-driven.

Worskhop Facilitation

Hosting data-related workshops for stakeholders across the organisation to inform, inspire and gather insights.

My Skills

Problem Solver

As an analytical thinker, I am passionate about investigating complex issues, making challenging decisions, and solving complex problems in a structured way.

Clear Communicator

With experience in both business and technical environments, I can communicate with people in both fields. I enjoy breaking down difficult topics to explain them in a simple way.

Quick Learner

I am a strong believer in lifelong learning. My interests spread across a wide variety of topics. I’m a quick adaptor to new situations and I am a quick learner of new subject matter.

Team Player

When it comes to innovating with colleages and clients I enjoy collaboration sessions and brainstorming. I like helping out colleagues and passing on knowledge to my peers.











Contact Me

Interested to get in touch? Feel free to send me a message! Fill out the form below and I`ll contact you back.